Support Services

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The development and research team of the REDANS SRL company has been working with cloud and IoT technologies since the time when these technologies were only in the academic development stage, before they became commercial [details inResearch papers].

The company develops and provides the entire InteliS platform including hardware, software, user licenses, installation, technical support and consulting service with integrators. We continue to research and develop new cloud services and technologies as the market demands. All REDANS products use the latest technologies to provide data security, such as cryptographic chips purchased from established manufacturers in the field.

The development of high-quality products with the possibility of upgrading the components used in the InteliS platform is carried out directly by Redans. The installation is carried out by the support team of the REDANS company and/or the customer's specialist. The software and hardware is customised to make the InteliS platform meet the customer's needs. The InteliS platform is the responsibility of the REDANS support team. Our sulutions offer a similar security level as in Internet-banking when using hardware token.